"Raise the rest of your life to meet you!"
∼ Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lanyster from Game of Thrones)
∼ Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lanyster from Game of Thrones)
"Every human being has both sets of forces within [them]. One set clings to safety and defensiveness out of fear, tending to regress backward, hanging on to the past . . . afraid to take chances, afraid to jeopardize what [one] already has, afraid of independence, freedom and separateness. The other set of forces impels [one] forward toward wholeness of Self and uniqueness of Self, toward full functioning of all [one’s] capacities, toward confidence in the face of the external world at the same time that [one] can accept [one’s] deepest, real, unconscious Self . . . This basic dilemma or conflict between the defensive forces and the growth trends I conceive to be existential, embedded in the deepest nature of the human being, now and forever into the future."
∼ Abraham Maslow
∼ Abraham Maslow
Interesting articles
S.B. Kaufman (2018). What Does It Mean to Be Self-Actualized in the 21st Century? New research links self-actualization to optimal creativity, well-being and self-transcendence. Scientific American https://goo.gl/p7Q1MW
S.B. Kaufman (2018). Self-Actualizing People in the 21st Century: Integration With Contemporary. Theory and Research on Personality and Well-Being. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. https://goo.gl/Sv8rLC
C. Jarrett (2018). Have you got a “self-actualised” personality? A new test brings Maslow’s ideas into the 21st century. The British Psychological Society. https://goo.gl/n4n3Wi
interesting tests
Characteristics of Self-Actualisation
Personal Values Assessment (PVA): Find out what is important to you.
Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions, are all connected to your personal values. Your values reflect what is important to you. They are a shorthand way of describing your motivations. Together with your beliefs, they are the causal factors that drive your decision-making. The Personal Values Assessment is a simple survey that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information about why you do what you do.
Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions, are all connected to your personal values. Your values reflect what is important to you. They are a shorthand way of describing your motivations. Together with your beliefs, they are the causal factors that drive your decision-making. The Personal Values Assessment is a simple survey that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information about why you do what you do.
Meaning of Life Questionnaire
The Meaning in Life Questionnaire assesses two dimensions of meaning in life using 10 items. The Presence of Meaning subscale measures how full respondents feel their lives are of meaning. The Search for Meaning subscale measures how engaged and motivated respondents are in efforts to find meaning or deepen their understanding of meaning in their lives. The Presence of Meaning is positively related to well-being, intrinsic religiosity, extraversion and agreeableness, and negatively related to anxiety and depression. The Search for Meaning is positively related to religious quest, rumination, past-negative and present-fatalistic time perspectives, negative affect, depression, and neuroticism, and negatively related to future time perspective, close-mindedness (dogmatism), and well-being. The MLQ takes about 5 minutes to complete.
The Meaning in Life Questionnaire assesses two dimensions of meaning in life using 10 items. The Presence of Meaning subscale measures how full respondents feel their lives are of meaning. The Search for Meaning subscale measures how engaged and motivated respondents are in efforts to find meaning or deepen their understanding of meaning in their lives. The Presence of Meaning is positively related to well-being, intrinsic religiosity, extraversion and agreeableness, and negatively related to anxiety and depression. The Search for Meaning is positively related to religious quest, rumination, past-negative and present-fatalistic time perspectives, negative affect, depression, and neuroticism, and negatively related to future time perspective, close-mindedness (dogmatism), and well-being. The MLQ takes about 5 minutes to complete.